Wednesday, March 16, 2011

">>>abOut mY sElf<<<"

              ">>>hEllOw!!EveRyoNe,,,a pLeAsAnt gOod dAy..!!
     >>>>HelloW!! mY nAme is REZZALYN DELA TINA, .i cAmE fRom thE mUniCipAlitY of dAo pRovinCe of cApiZ,,.iM boRn  on jUnE 19,1993,,iM 17 yEaRs oLd oLd coming 18 thIs comIng jUne,,,mY fAther's nAme is RAMON ESTORQUE DELATINA,,aNd mY mOthEr's nAmE is FLORESPINA HOMEREZ DELATINA,,,i hAvE 4 brOthErs aNd 2 siStEr...i aM grAduAtEd mY pRimAry EdUcatiOn at dAo ElemEntArY sChooL aNd i aM grAduAtEd mY sEcondAry EducatiOn  at dAo NatiOnAl hiGh sChooL.....nOw i aM tAkiNg up a collEgE coUrse of cOMputEr sCiEncE at hERcor cOllEge iN rOxAs, CitY....
               i hAve mOrE pLan iN mY liFe as will As mY pArEnts to mE that's why i am hEr tO grab tHe oppOrtUnitY of mY pArEnts tO sTuDy HeRe in rOxAs...aNd nOw iM sTartinG mY collEgE liFe i lEaRn sO mUst mOre,iM nOt ExpEcting thE cHallEngEs iN mY liFe toDay cUz wHen tHE tiMe's gOes by tHey aRe mOre cHallEnGes bRinG's tO mE...aNd yOu cAn sTanD oN yOur oWn fEEt..nOt kNowIng hOw???

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